The ECRC’s diverse membership includes anyone who is interested in rating roof surface radiative properties and in the energy-efficiency of roofs. Our members include roofing manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors, as well as roofing contractors, consultants, non-profit groups, government agencies, educational institutions, air quality boards, code bodies, energy service companies and other interested individuals. For more information on how to become a member, please visit our Join the Membership page.
The ECRC is a member-based non-profit organisation.
Our members:
- Help direct the ECRC and its Product Rating Program
- Vote on critical committee issues
- Vote and elect Board members
- Can use the ECRC Member logo on their company’s marketing materials and website
- Access and influence to strategic decisions on the future developments of the ECRC
- Have the chance to get involved in the shaping of European and national policies relevant to cool roof products
- Have regular and privileged updates on EU legislative developments
- Enjoy marketing and promotional benefits
Who Can Be a Member?
Any individual or organisation interested in rating roof surface radiative properties and in the energy-efficiency of roofs. ECRC members include corporations, individuals, partnerships, sole proprietorships, trade associations, universities, governmental and non-governmental agencies.
The fees payable by members are managed by the European Cool Roofs Council (ECRC) board pursuant to Article 8 (Membership fees) mentioned in the bylaws, all fees will be payable in January of each year or pro rata from month of joining. Fees will be reviewed by the ECRC Board in November of the year prior to the renewal. Members who do not pay their membership fees in full by April 30th will lose all associated membership privileges. The fees presented below are applicable through December 31, 2012.
The membership fees payable to the ECRC will take the form of annual membership fees.
- All organisations participating in the ECRC must pay 'membership fees' outlined in the table
- Type A-D organisations only have the right to submit products to be rated
- Product rating fees are payable to the accredited laboratory
- Additional fees related to initial/aged radiative properties testing will be payable to the accredited independent laboratory selected by the organisations
For new applicants, an invoice detailing the probationary membership fee is to be sent shortly after the ECRC Board declares an applicant a probationary member. Membership payment must be received within 1 month after the invoice date (registration will not be effective and will not be entered for ratification to the General Assembly until payment has been fully received). The annual fee for members follows the calendar year. The membership automatically continues for the next calendar year, unless written notice is given to the Board, at least one month proceeding to the next calendar year. Dues are for one calendar year membership (year ending December).
The European Cool Roofs Council (ECRC) actively seeks applications from any organisation interested in the promotion (encouraging consumers or interested stakeholders to use or specifying cool roofing; advertising the benefits of cool roofing; advocating for the inclusion of cool roofing within building codes or similar) of cool roofing and cool roof technology.ECRC Principles Of Membership
The exact fee payable depends on the progressive scale outlined in the table below:Fees
Company turnover/Details
Annual Membership Fees
Cool Roof Raw Material Producers, Final Product Manufacturers, Applicators, Distributors, Wholesalers, other commercial and / or trading companies
Type A Organisation
Type B Organisation
Between €1,000,001 and €5,000,000
Type C Organisation
Between €5,000,001 and €10,000,000
Type D Organisation
Cool Roof Promotion and Specification
ECRC project contribution1
The Board may invite patrons, individuals, to contribute to the work of the ECRC whose association is renewable on an annual basis.
Cool roof specifiers, promoters and educational institution or not for profit centre2
Architects, consultants, energy service companies and other interested individuals. Non-profit groups, government agencies, educational institutions, code bodies, other trade associations
Laboratory and Test Farm annual fees
General Information
The European Cool Roofs Council (ECRC) comprises companies, research and academic institutes and individuals from Europe and abroad, that are active in the field of manufacturing, selling, marketing, research or promotion of Cool Roof products. The ECRC is a non-profit entity, duly incorporated under the laws of Belgium, governed by its bylaws and code of ethics. Its purpose is to develop scientific knowledge and research in relation to “Cool Roof” technology and to promote the use of Cool Roof products and materials in Europe, including developing a product certification program for such products and materials.
To apply for European Cool Roofs Council (ECRC) membership:
- Please complete the attached Application Form and save it as pdf or print and complete it (including the two required signatures)
- Submit a Statement of Compliance showing that your organisation has the processes in place to assist the promotion of the aims of the ECRC to include:
- Member statement of willingness to abide by the Code of Conduct
- Overview of Member interest in cool roofs
- Description of the ability of the Member to help the Council promote the benefits of cool roofs and an example of how the Member has achieved this in the past
- Overview of how the Member could help the Council promote any innovative legislation, codes, permits and standards, including application procedures, construction and planning permits to encourage cool roofs
Both documents must be returned to the ECRC Office at ECRC Membership Applications, Dreve du Pressoir 38, 1190, Brussels, Belgium by post.
For faster processing you may opt to e-mail a fully scanned copy of your application form and statement of compliance to the ECRC secretariat nevertheless it is mandatory to also send your originally signed form by post.
Please type or print legibly and enclose a business card that will be placed into your permanent ECRC membership record. Partially completed application forms cannot be processed. A legally authorised person and alternate must sign the application form on behalf of the organisation. The ECRC may also require additional documentation to verify status prior to processing.
The Membership Application Form constitutes a legally binding agreement. By completing the membership application, you and your organisation agree to adhere fully to the ECRC bylaws and code of conduct/ethics. All new applications are submitted to the ECRC Board for processing and provided they are accepted by the Board, the applicant gains a probationary membership status that is to be ratified to full membership status by an upcoming European Cool Roof Council General Assembly. After approval by the ECRC Board a welcome email/letter announcing probationary membership status is sent to the applicant.